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TTRPG at Hi-Fidelity

  • Hi-Fidelity 200 Anderson Street Portland, ME, 04101 United States (map)

First and Third Sundays of the month an intrepid group of adventures gathers at Hi-Fidelity in search of glory, treasure, and justice (terms and conditions apply)!

Join us for a night of rolling dice and slaying monsters! Players of all experience levels are welcome and we have dice and character sheets to spare.

Currently the party is all level one as we begin the descent into the mysterious Sunless Citadel, home to a tribe of goblins, infested with giant rats, and Pelor knows what else!

Last time our heroes met up in the town of Oakdale and were hired to seek a group of missing explorers. While in town they overheard rumors of a strange and miraculous fruit the goblins of the citadel sell to the village once a year. Now, as the sun rises over their camp, our heroes prepare for the descent into the dark chasm where the ruined towers of the citadel pierce through the morning fog out of the darkness below.

March 16


March 20